Frequently Asked Questions
A conversation about Hypnotherapy with a curious and somewhat skeptical friend
“Everyone experiences hypnosis differently.”
Hypnosis, including Higher Self hypnosis practices, is a profound experience of deep physical relaxation combined with heightened mental awareness. Through the use of imagery, soothing words, and healing language, Higher Self Hypnosis fosters a tranquil state of mind. In this state, we can bypass the critical filters that often hinder change and effortlessly embrace positive transformation through the gentle guidance of our Higher Self. This process facilitates the creation of new neural pathways in the brain, making it easier to respond differently to situations without the need for conscious effort. It truly simplifies the journey of personal growth and change.
Regular hypnotherapy primarily focuses on addressing specific issues or challenges in one's life, such as overcoming phobias, managing stress, or breaking unwanted habits. It typically involves accessing the subconscious mind to modify behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.
Higher Self Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, incorporates the concept of connecting with one's Higher Self during hypnosis sessions. The Higher Self is often regarded as a wiser, more spiritually attuned aspect of one's consciousness. In Higher Self Hypnotherapy, the goal is not only to address immediate issues but also to tap into the wisdom and guidance of the Higher Self for broader life insights, spiritual growth, and self-discovery.
Sounds like a fun cruise! Did your friend lay any eggs? Rest assured, under the guidance of Higher Self hypnotherapy, you are always in control. Your personal ethics and desires remain paramount throughout the process. As your Hypnotherapist, my primary goal is to help you achieve your therapeutic objectives.
During a hypnotherapy session, you maintain full control, continuously aware of your surroundings and the words spoken to you. While deep hypnosis can sometimes result in temporary amnesia, rest assured that you remain completely conscious and in control of your thoughts during the session. It’s your choice.
Hypnosis experiences vary from person to person. Some liken it to a dream, while others feel fully awake. Most clients emerge from hypnosis feeling remarkably rejuvenated, as if they've enjoyed a restful nap.
Hypnosis may resemble sleep, but it's more like focused meditation with a positive purpose. Although its mechanisms are not fully understood, the process induces deep relaxation and slows brainwave patterns, similar to the dreaming state. This altered state of consciousness allows you to attentively focus on positive suggestions. Here, the subconscious mind, which shapes your feelings and actions, becomes receptive to adopting new positive beliefs, facilitating the desired behavioral changes we work together to achieve.
The accuracy and reliability of memories recalled during hypnosis or regression therapy have been a topic of debate among researchers and mental health professionals for years.
While hypnosis can enhance recall and access to memories, it does not guarantee perfect accuracy. Memories can still be subjective and influenced by individual interpretations and suggestions.
My approach is - we can work with a traumatic memory without directly regressing to the trauma event. I use several indirect and gentle approaches that focus on processing emotions, building resilience, and cultivating a sense of safety. SO - even if specific memories are not entirely accurate, the emotional processing and exploration that occur during hypnotherapy could still help you to emotionally heal.
In our journey of Higher Self hypnotherapy, we'll delve deep beneath the surface to uncover the root causes of any issues you're facing, effectively replacing limiting behaviors and attitudes with positive change for your personal and professional growth.
Success in Higher Self hypnotherapy is a collaborative process, and your motivation is a key factor. The most remarkable outcomes occur when you approach hypnosis with an open mind and a genuine willingness to actively engage in the process. It's crucial to take the insights gained from our sessions and apply them to your daily life.
With your proactive commitment to making the changes you desire and your embrace of hypnosis as a natural, drug-free therapeutic approach, you can experience transformative results more quickly than through many other forms of psychotherapy. Together, we'll work towards achieving your goals and unlocking your full potential.
Many people get their ideas about hypnosis from movies, TV, or hearing random stage hypnotist stories. The most common misconceptions are that you might become unconscious, get stuck in a trance state, or be made to do or say something against your will.
Studies have proven that in fact, hypnosis is not sleep and even in a hypnotic state, you can think clearly and even fully bring yourself out of a trance state simply by choosing to do so. Your morals and ethics are fully in-tact and you can reject or accept any suggestion given - it’s really entirely up to you!
There are also some people who believe that if you can be hypnotized, that must mean you’re weak-minded. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hypnosis is not a willpower contest and any strong-willed individual can make the choice to be hypnotized.
So if anyone asks the question, “can I be hypnotized?,” the answer is yes - because you already are. We experience natural hypnosis all the time. Those times when you drive on auto-pilot, or any time you’re fully engaged in a good book or movie.